
Having completed the DevMountain program, multiple projects including my personal project and a group project, I have developed proficiency in the following technologies.

  • React
  • Redux
  • ExpressJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git/GitHub
  • Javascript(ES6)
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • NodeJS
  • Massive


I am a full stack Jr. Web Developer who has recently completed the DevMountain Web Immersive Bootcamp in Phoenix, Arizona. Focusing on libraries and frameworks such as React, Redux, Javascript, PostgreSQL, NodeJS and more, I continue to learn and grow as I embark out into the professional web development world. I am currently a mentor at DevMountain where I continue to push myself and those around me to help improve the future of web development and design.

In addition to writing code, I am passionate about learning and continuously growing in knowledge and understanding. This prompted me to learn eight different instruments and dabble in everything from morse code to photography. Prior to pursuing web development, I was a professional classical guitar instructor where I taught musicians of all skill levels and ages.

Experience Clone

Full featured responsive e-commerce web application clone of the Built in a 2-member group in 14 days, this web app features thousands of Nike products, product reviews, user wishlist, order history, guest checkout, a full store and a checkout process utilizing Stripe.js and Nodemailer. User authentification and authorization is handled using Auth0. The project was run with bi-weekly sprints, SCRUM stand-ups, and git version control.

Technologies used - React.JS, Redux, Redux Promise Middleware, Node.JS, Auth0, Sass, Stripe, NodeMailer, Mapbox

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Fret-Finder is a full stack crowd-sourced social networking application connecting guitar instructors with local students. Using Redux and Redux Promise Middleware to manage global state changes the web app features the creation of users, instructors, available schedules, reviews, and lessons. All of the data is stored in five normalized PostgreSQL tables utilizing one-to-one and one-to-many relationships.

Technologies used - React.JS, Redux, RESTful API, PostgreSQL, Node.JS, Express.JS Auth0, Sass

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